
Gallery 25 is a non-profit cooperative art gallery located in Fresno, California.
To Become a Member:
Membership requires a screening process. This process requires a presentation of your artwork to members of the gallery at a monthly meeting. The Membership Coordinator presents your artwork and related materials to the membership for discussion and vote. An 80% vote by gallery artists is required to become an artist member of Gallery 25. The screening artist will be notified soon after the gallery meeting.
Screenings are held monthly.​ Interested Artists Must Submit the following for Review:
1. Portfolio of artwork: 10 images--no more, no less. Please send digital jpegs as an attachment via email to our Membership Coordinator, address below. Max size for each individual jpeg is 2.5MB. Please include Title, Media, and Size of works submitted.
2. A Written Statement of your Philosophy of Art or Artist's Statement. Any ancillary materials that showcase your artwork and past exhibitions (reviews, articles, brochures, catalogs, etc.) are encouraged. Please attach in jpeg, pdf or Word format.
3. Art Resume​.
​4. Contact our Membership Coordinator to initiate the application process: Email Karen LeCocq.
Member artists work together to manage all aspects of this professional gallery. Membership Duties, Responsibilities, and additional information:​​
Dues are $25, currently bimonthly--beginning when you are accepted into the gallery. There are also occasional assessments for expenses related to physical shows at brick and mortar spaces.
Our currrent presence is predominantly online. We present several video exhibitions a year with varied themes. See our homepage for examples. We also maintain our website and have posts/pages on Instagram and Facebook. We have an extensive mailing list that we utilize as well.
Each artist has a page on the website showcasing up to 10 of their works with an artist's statement.
Attend monthly meetings: Virtual via Zoom.
Volunteer to assist in gallery duties (website, e-blast, maintenance, new members, treasurer, exhibitions, secretary, president, mailings, history, publicity, etc.)
New members will participate in videos after being accepted into the gallery’s membership.
There is 25% commission on art sales.